leggedrobotics / traversability_estimation

Traversability mapping for mobile rough terrain navigation
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Can this package run in real time? #63

Closed stecasta closed 4 years ago

stecasta commented 5 years ago

Hello guys and thank you for sharing this amazing work with everyone.

I would like to use the traversability map to do the path planning for a mobile robot. Currently I'm feeding a filtered pointcloud to the elevation_mapping node which sends the elevation map through a service to the traversability_estimation node. With this setup the traversability map topic is published at a rate of about 0.5 Hz although I set min_update_rate: 2. I was wondering if there's any way I can increase this by changing some parameters. Also, could this be related to the hardware I'm using?

I didn't change any relevant setting in the config file.

Thank you for your time.

marco-tranzatto commented 5 years ago

Hi @stecasta ,

This package can be definitely used in real time. Some questions for you:

Regards, Marco.

stecasta commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the quick reply @marco-tranzatto,

Regards, Stefano

marco-tranzatto commented 5 years ago

Hi @stecasta,

then I'd suggest you try this branch in elevation mapping: test/increse_fps and set these two parameters in your cofing file for traversability estimation:



stecasta commented 5 years ago

Hi @marco-tranzatto,

thanks for your suggestion. Now I can see the raw map is updated very quickly (>10Hz): [ INFO] [1561880264.610666302, 1659.829000000]: ElevationMap received a point cloud (55165 points) for elevation mapping. [ INFO] [1561880271.307094219, 1662.005000000]: Raw map has been updated with a new point cloud in 0.062438 s. but the topic /elevation_mapping/elevation_map_raw is still published at about 0.5 Hz.

For what concerns the traversability estimation node, this map is also published at about 0.5 Hz, but from the debug mode (and also form Rviz) I can see that it takes a longer time to update: [DEBUG] [1561880261.288066717, 1658.499000000]: Traversability map has been updated in 3.083911 s.

Any further suggestions?

Regards, Stefano

tomlankhorst commented 4 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to open a new question might this still be relevant.