leggedrobotics / traversability_estimation

Traversability mapping for mobile rough terrain navigation
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How to use #70

Open mamoru1126 opened 3 years ago

mamoru1126 commented 3 years ago


I tried to use traversablity_estimation using rosbag file (traversability_estimation/maps/elevation_map.bag), but I could not. Nothing was displayed in Rviz.

Please teach me how to use traversability_estimation.

The commands I used on the terminal are:

  1. roslaunch traversability_estimation traversability_estimation.launch ※enable of grid_map_to_initialize_traversability_map is true, grid_map_topic_name is grid_map

  2. rosservice call /traversability_estimation/load_elevation_map "~/catkin_ws/src/traversablity_estimation/traversablity_estimation/maps/elevation_map.bag/elevation_map.bag" "grid_map"

  3. roslaunch traversability_estimation visualization.launch

I used Rviz after typing 1, 2 and 3 commands.

Jessie37464 commented 3 years ago


I tried to use traversablity_estimation using rosbag file (traversability_estimation/maps/elevation_map.bag), but I could not. Nothing was displayed in Rviz.

Please teach me how to use traversability_estimation.

The commands I used on the terminal are:

  1. roslaunch traversability_estimation traversability_estimation.launch ※enable of grid_map_to_initialize_traversability_map is true, grid_map_topic_name is grid_map
  2. rosservice call /traversability_estimation/load_elevation_map "~/catkin_ws/src/traversablity_estimation/traversablity_estimation/maps/elevation_map.bag/elevation_map.bag" "grid_map"
  3. roslaunch traversability_estimation visualization.launch

I used Rviz after typing 1, 2 and 3 commands.

have you solved the problem?

JesseBaughan commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issues and have followed the same steps as mamoru1126.

SUN-GE commented 3 years ago

Does the "grid_map_topic_name" should be the elevation map topic name?

sarahnator commented 3 years ago

This might help: https://github.com/leggedrobotics/traversability_estimation/issues/73#issue-955272597

uhobeike commented 3 years ago

If you are using ANYbotics/elevation_mapping, go to the site to see what services are available.

What you should see is a service that uses the message type of [grid_map_msgs/GetGridMap]. The name of the service is [/elevation_mapping/get_submap].

Then change the service on the following line to "/elevation_mapping/get_submap". Then run roslaunch traversability_estimation traversability_estimation.launch and roslaunch traversability_estimation visualization.launch and you can see from the rviz topic that the node is working fine. https://github.com/leggedrobotics/traversability_estimation/blob/f62cf023b16082693f4a0abcfda4cdea4e7bbb02/traversability_estimation/config/robot.yaml#L1