javascript:var form=$("iframe").filter(function(){return $(this).css("visibility")=="visible"})[0].contentWindow;try{form.Mscrm.InlineEditDataService.get_dataService().validateAndFireSaveEvents=function(){return new Mscrm.SaveResponse(5,"")}}catch(e){}var;for(var i in attrs){attrs[i].setRequiredLevel("none")}var contrs=form.Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get();for(var i in contrs){try{contrs[i].setVisible(true);contrs[i].setDisabled(false);contrs[i].clearNotification()}catch(e){}}var tabs=form.Xrm.Page.ui.tabs.get();for(var i in tabs){tabs[i].setVisible(true);tabs[i].setDisplayState("expanded");var sects=tabs[i].sections.get();for(var i in sects){sects[i].setVisible(true)}}
When executing as a Bookmarklet, the $("iframe") returns a jQuery object, and everything runs as expected. When running as an extension, it returns the iFrame itself, not the jQuery object, resulting in the filter function not being defined, and throwing an exception.
Here is my bookmarklet code:
When executing as a Bookmarklet, the $("iframe") returns a jQuery object, and everything runs as expected. When running as an extension, it returns the iFrame itself, not the jQuery object, resulting in the filter function not being defined, and throwing an exception.
Any ideas as to how to resolve the issue?