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redmine issues #3298

Open leginonbot opened 6 months ago

leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Author Name: Scott Stagg (Scott Stagg) Original Redmine Issue: 3298, https://emg.nysbc.org/redmine/issues/3298 Original Date: 2015-07-08 Original Assignee: Anchi Cheng

I am having problems with redmine. 1) I am not getting emails for issues that I'm watching. 2) I can't get the redmine sorting tools to work. For instance, I used to be able to show only issues reported by given users, etc, but now none of the filters are working.

leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Anchi Cheng (@anchi2c) Original Date: 2015-07-08T17:44:42Z

I had similar issue yesterday. In short, the "Add filter" selection does not give any sub choices. For example, I can select Add Filter of "Author", but it does not gives me who I want to filter with.

leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Sargis Dallakyan (@dallakyan) Original Date: 2015-07-09T00:27:27Z

It seem that this was an issue with Redmine Lightbox plugin not working with the recent update of Redmine (redmine-2.4.3 => redmine-3.0.4). I've removed Redmine Lightbox plugin and it fixed issue 2) the redmine sorting tools. 1) I'm receiving emails fine.

leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Scott Stagg (Scott Stagg) Original Date: 2015-07-09T15:10:29Z

I can now do the filtering, but I am still not receiving emails. Neither Alex nor I have been receiving emails for several months now. We have both checked our spam filters, but we can't find anything since the server was moved to NYSBC.