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DE frame alignment script doesn't work for DE64 images #5029

Open leginonbot opened 6 months ago

leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Author Name: Scott Stagg (Scott Stagg) Original Redmine Issue: 5029, https://emg.nysbc.org/redmine/issues/5029 Original Date: 2017-06-20 Original Assignee: Scott Stagg


leginonbot commented 6 months ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Scott Stagg (Scott Stagg) Original Date: 2017-06-20T17:22:05Z

EMAN2 offsets the dark and bright by 1 pixel in Y when mirroring along X. Replaced flipping in EMAN with flipping in numpy, and that fixes the problem. New options are --flipgain and --flipout