legoatoom / ConnectibleChains

Connect your fences with a decorative chain!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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High CPU Usage #52

Closed 909oce closed 10 months ago

909oce commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've recently added some chains to my world and I've noticed when I'm in render distance of them my GPU gets bottlenecked to shit by CPU.

AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core and RTX 4070.

I have about 15 chains, which cause me to drop to 30% GPU usage.

Is there some way to optimize the amount of CPU required for the chains or settings I can change to fix this?

legoatoom commented 1 year ago

I tried some profiling (F3+L) to test if there is a problem here. I did not find any significant increase in the CPU usage.

I would like to know this: