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Light Accessory Fix! #13

Closed projectblack closed 7 years ago

projectblack commented 7 years ago

hello I have edited your code because you remove something that needs to be their and it is. It's the one in bold and italic. ` var cmd=require('node-cmd'); var Accessory = require('../').Accessory; var Service = require('../').Service; var Characteristic = require('../').Characteristic; var uuid = require('../').uuid;

var LightController = { name: "Raspberry Light", //name of accessory pincode: "031-45-154", username: "FA:3C:ED:5A:1A:1A", // MAC like address used by HomeKit to differentiate accessories. manufacturer: "HAP-NodeJS", //manufacturer (optional) model: "v1.0", //model (optional) serialNumber: "A12S345KGB", //serial number (optional)

power: false, //curent power status

outputLogs: false, //output logs

setPower: function(status) { //set power of accessory if(this.outputLogs) console.log("Turning the '%s' %s",, status ? "on" : "off"); this.power = status; if(status)'sudo python /home/pi/HAP-NodeJS/python/'); else'sudo python /home/pi/HAP-NodeJS/python/'); },

getPower: function() { //get power of accessory if(this.outputLogs) console.log("'%s' is %s.",, this.power ? "on" : "off"); return this.power ? true : false; },

identify: function() { //identify the accessory if(this.outputLogs) console.log("Identify the '%s'",; } }

// Generate a consistent UUID for our light Accessory that will remain the same even when // restarting our server. We use the uuid.generate helper function to create a deterministic // UUID based on an arbitrary "namespace" and the word "light". var lightUUID = uuid.generate('hap-nodejs:accessories:light' +;

// This is the Accessory that we'll return to HAP-NodeJS that represents our light. var lightAccessory = exports.accessory = new Accessory(, lightUUID);

// Add properties for publishing (in case we're using Core.js and not BridgedCore.js) lightAccessory.username = LightController.username; lightAccessory.pincode = LightController.pincode;

lightAccessory .getService(Service.AccessoryInformation) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, LightController.manufacturer) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, LightController.model) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, LightController.serialNumber);

lightAccessory.on('identify', function(paired, callback) { LightController.identify(); callback(); });

lightAccessory .addService(Service.Lightbulb, .getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On) .on('set', function(value, callback) { LightController.setPower(value); callback(); }) .on('get', function(callback) { callback(null, LightController.getPower()); });`

legotheboss commented 7 years ago


Fixed it, thanks!