legotheboss / YouTube-files

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CameraCore.js no video stream #31

Closed sassen closed 6 years ago

sassen commented 6 years ago

Hi legotheboss,

Thank you for your tutorials, they are very useful. I did not follow your tutorial 100% because I am using RPi Zero W, and as I understood another nodejs is needed for Pi Zeros armv6.

Well, I have motioneye installed and running so no issues there. I did install hap-nodejs too and I was able to run it and link it to homekit on my Iphone (I modified CameraCore.js as you showed on your video). My problem is that I can not see the stream on the phone, I only get the default thumbnail picture from Homekit. When I open the stream it says that the camera is not responding. Any idea on what I am missing?

After installing first Stretch and then Motion Eye these are the steps I followed:

  1. sudo apt-get install curl
  2. sudo bash
  3. sudo wget -O - | bash
  4. exit
  5. node -v
  6. sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  7. sudo apt-get install -y npm
  8. sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
  9. sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge hap-nodejs node-gyp
  10. cd /opt/nodejs/lib/node_modules/homebridge
  11. sudo npm install --unsafe-perm bignum
  12. cd /opt/nodejs/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/node_modules/mdns
  13. sudo node-gyp BUILDTYPE=Release rebuild
  14. Extra steps to solve wrong node_module_version issue
  15. sudo npm uninstall homebrigde -g
  16. sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge

Last: sudo node CameraCore.js Linked the camera in the Home app on the phone but no stream when I click on it. Camera not responding...

sassen commented 6 years ago

I think I am missing Camera.js... I'm travelling at the moment and cant fix it until next week.

legotheboss commented 6 years ago

@sassen Not sure why Camera.js was not saving itself in the HAP-NodeJS directory, but it should be resolved now. Try rerunning the tutorial and see if it works.