leguims / PS4Macro.PES2018Lite

Bot script for PES2018Lite using PS4 Macro
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

Visual Studio 2015 Build Error #1

Closed phananhnhan closed 6 years ago

phananhnhan commented 6 years ago

Can you share for me Visual Studio Version, which you use to code this project ? When I build it, there are errors in AutomateMatch class.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1513 } expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS1043 { or ; expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS1513 } expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS1002 ; expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS1513 } expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS1043 { or ; expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS1513 } expected PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 20 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.TeamNumber' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 21 Active Error CS0161 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate.get': not all code paths return a value PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS0201 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS0103 The name 'set' does not exist in the current context PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS0103 The name 'value' does not exist in the current context PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS0103 The name 'value' does not exist in the current context PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 29 Active Error CS0161 'AutomateMatch.TeamNumber.get': not all code paths return a value PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS0201 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS0201 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 35 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 37 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 40 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.TeamNumber' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 41 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 43 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 44 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 45 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 46 Active Error CS0200 Property or indexer 'AutomateMatch.StateAutomate' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only PS4Macro.PES2018Lite D:\GITHUB\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite-master\PS4Macro.PES2018Lite\MyClub\Sim\AutomateMatch.cs 47 Active

Can you help me ? Sorry for my English !

leguims commented 6 years ago

My visual version is : Microsoft Visual Studio Community Version 15.5.3

The problem is that the PS4MacroAPI reference is not resolved in my repo.

You have to do these insctructions:

  1. download ZIP of PS4Macro
  2. copy file "PS4MacroAPI.dll" next to the project
  3. Add reference to this file in the project.

It will compile after that.

I will explain that in readme soon.

That's ok for your english ! 😃

leguims commented 6 years ago

Ok, I just added instruction "Install & Compile" to the "README.md". It explain where copy PS4MacroAPI.dll before compile solution.