legumeinfo / LIS-autocontent

Scrapes the LIS datastore and populates various configs and databases for deployment
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Add Dotplot View Session Objects to Jekyll Site YML #28

Open ctcncgr opened 10 months ago

ctcncgr commented 10 months ago


adf-ncgr commented 10 months ago

@ctcncgr I think we need some further changes here as well:

let me know if any of that is unclear

ctcncgr commented 10 months ago

@adf-ncgr should be good to go. The paf file (without the gz) has been added to tracks and the synteny entries should be added for all comparisons.

adf-ncgr commented 10 months ago

Yes, I think it's working. Haven't yet tried the output in the context of an actual jekyll site, but at least the session spec URLs are working so I imagine it will work as expected. I'll leave it open until verified, though.

adf-ncgr commented 10 months ago

OK, looks like it is working fine at : https://dev.peanutbase.org/taxa/arachis/ @sdash-github have a look (search for "dotplot" in the page and follow the link). Just let us know if you see any further refinements to the basic idea that would be desirable.