legumeinfo / gcv

Federating genomes with love (and synteny derived from functional annotations)
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Multi micro-track scrolling #227

Open alancleary opened 4 years ago

alancleary commented 4 years ago

Unlike issue #226, it'll be harder to isolate micro-track scrolling to each sub-view (cluster of tracks) because scrolling could change the clusters, thus confounding other sub-views. @adf-ncgr, should we omit this functionality for now or do you have any clever ideas on how we might implement this in the new unified search-multi view?

adf-ncgr commented 4 years ago

Hmm, that's a puzzler. I am not sure, but in keeping with my response to #226 (which I likely would not have even noticed had you not referenced it here- let that be a lesson to you!), let's suppose for the sake of argument that set of "founding queries" (genes or regions) is remembered (e.g. in the URL string or some other hidden statefulness). If so, then I'd probably argue (again without being particularly thoughtful) that a scroll operation would basically reinitiate the view by applying the scroll "equivalently" to each of the founding queries (e.g. 10 genes downstream of each of the initial focus genes), and then whatever needed re-combobulation of the view(s) to account for different clustering would "just happen" (to the probably disconcertion of every user who has thus far retained his or her sanity).

That seems logical from a certain perspective, but I'm not wedded to it. I suppose one could similarly ask whether each sub-microview gets its own sub-macroview and if not, what happens when the big macro-slide is invoked (hint: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"?)

alancleary commented 4 years ago

I was planning to give each sub micro-view its own macro view, which means we could isolate this to each sub view, but that still breaks the global functionality and micro-views could combine, which could be potentially as confusing to the user as just making the scroll global.

As with #226, perhaps the thing to do is just leave it global for now to ease the pain off transitioning from v1 of the GCV.

alancleary commented 4 years ago

This isn't a blocking issue on the GoldenLayout epic so I'm going to orphan it.