legumeinfo / gcv

Federating genomes with love (and synteny derived from functional annotations)
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load synteny block data from gff files into chado for consumption by new context viewer feature #45

Closed adf-ncgr closed 8 years ago

adf-ncgr commented 8 years ago

[LEGUME-598] created by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 8 years ago

got the initial "complete loading" finished during the weekend. There are some issues to discuss, but there's plenty of data to do development with.

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 8 years ago

noting some inconsistencies in the source files for future discussion with Wei and Steven. Very minor cases issues I corrected in place but most just took necessary actions on my "munged" copies to get them to load.

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 8 years ago

A more serious issue I've just encountered; asymmetries within the soybean self-comparison file "glyma_Wm82_a2_recent_duplication.gff"? e.g.
Chr04 is listed as the src feature for only one block, but it is the target for many.

There are also some general question around how to deal with the fact that some pairs of species have not been included in block-generation, but clearly have syntenic relationships in the context viewer (e.g. glyma does not have blocks computed with respect to either cicar genome). This seems to fall under the bullet from our "Housing a new genome" SOP:
Determine the list of species for calculating synteny with the new species (SC)
but the option to ignore some pairs seems a little more problematic given the application at hand. Perhaps worth discussing

by adf_ncgr