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popup link content for phylotrees #147

Closed adf-ncgr closed 9 years ago

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

decide which links to include/exclude from the popup menu on the phylotree

[LEGUME-179] created by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

For early link targets, I would vote for
1) Phytozome (since there is good coverage except for Arachis)
This probably requires hashing to the Phytozome ID, i.e. Medtr3g108450.1 is at gene page
2) SoyBase for soybean (this would make the gene families much more useful there)
3) The respective LIS and PeanutBase browsers. One method (Nathan may have refinements for the API):

by scannon

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

Regarding the links to GBrowse: if it's not too onerous, it's greatly beneficial for performance and (conceivably) beneficial for specificity to restrict the searches to the genes track for each species. As we store each track in a separate database, a search can be restricted in this manner by adding the appropriate dbid to the search; e.g.:


This dbid differs between each GBrowse instance; here is a list

Ca1.0: cicer_arietinum_gene_models
Cc1.0: gene_models
Lj3.0: gene_models
Mt4.0: gene_models
Pv1.0: gene_models

Aradu1.0: gene_models
Araip1.0: gene_models

gmax2.0: gene_models_wm82_a2_v1

by nathanweeks

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

OK, I have implemented some of the suggested linkouts for lis-stage (just modified per Nathan's suggestion).
Currently the way Alex's code is structured it seems easiest to have a single external link target for a given species
(probably it won't be too hard to change this later when there is time to think), so I have provisionally done:
glyma -> soybase gbrowse
phavu -> phytozome gene page
medtr -> JCVI jbrowse
aradu/araip -> peanutbase

and for the non-legumes, currently only arath -> AIP

NB: the arachis links are currently set to the -stage servers to facilitate your test-driving, but WILL HAVE TO BE CHANGED PRIOR TO ROLLOUT. It seems likely there's a good way of having non-relative links that are context-sensitive (dev/stage/production), but
that will have to be done later.

let me know if you'd like to change anything...

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

Andrew: can we use relative URLs? Most (all?) should work for the production instances as-is, and those that don't can be hand-massaged for testing. I'm concerned that nobody is going to remember to change the links before lis-stage is "productionized".

by nathanweeks

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

I could for legumeinfo targets, but don't think I can do that for peanutbase targets, unless you can advise on an approach;
I definitely share your concern!

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

Oh right---in that case, you can just use absolute URLs to peanutbase.org, and we can change the URLs by hand when testing (peanutbase.org/gb2/gbrowse/Aradu1.0 -> peanutbase-stage.agron.iastate.edu/gb2/gbrowse/Aradu1.0x).

by nathanweeks

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

I see your point that it's better to make people testing do the manual work than rely on our collective memory to change the code
before rollover; I'll change it now....

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

FWIW, one approach that we could attempt in the future is to use a relative URL (e.g., "/peanutbase") that Apache redirects to peanutbase-stage.agron.iastate.edu or peanutbase.org depending on whether the hostname is lis-stage or legumeinfo.org. By reducing the dev/stage/production-specific differences to the Apache config file, we could potentially make alternate code paths for dev/stage/prod elsewhere unnecessary.

by nathanweeks

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

sounds worth exploring to me

by adf_ncgr

adf-ncgr commented 9 years ago

Looking good to me. I have tested genes from glyma, medtr, aradu, araip, and arath (which spell-check wants to change to glimmer, meddler, arid, aria, and wrath, respectively. Talk about meddling.).
For testing, I don't mind manually replacing e.g. peanutbase.org with

I'll provisionally close this issue (re-open if necessary).

by scannon