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Add linkouts from Trait Association Search component #616

Open StevenCannon-USDA opened 6 months ago

StevenCannon-USDA commented 6 months ago

The Trait Association Search page (implemented currently at dev.soybase.org; soon also I expect at peanutbase and legumeinfo) returns GWAS and QTL studies. To make these results more useful, they need linkouts. Natural choices would be the Mine reports for QTL and GWAS studies:

GWAS study: https://mines.legumeinfo.org/glycinemine/gwas:mixed.gwas.Sonah_ODonoughue_2015 GWAS dataset: https://mines.legumeinfo.org/glycinemine/dataset:mixed.gwas.Sonah_ODonoughue_2015

QTL study: https://mines.legumeinfo.org/glycinemine/qtlstudy:PI438489B_x_Hamilton.qtl.My-Abdelmajid_Ramos_2017b QTL dataset: https://mines.legumeinfo.org/glycinemine/dataset:PI438489B_x_Hamilton.qtl.My-Abdelmajid_Ramos_2017b

(Sorry for the multiple "assignees." Just thought that you'd all have an interest in this issue. Probably Andrew to lead - unless you'd like to delegate, @adf-ncgr).

maxglycine commented 3 months ago

These comments relate to GlycineMine.

The paper report (Sonah_ODonoughue_2015) does list the individual significant SNPs using the paper name. What happens if two papers use the same SNP names? On the map there would be two SNPs with the same name and potentially not in the same place. That is why we chose to display the SoyBase GWAS name. It was guaranteed to be unique. The SoyBase GWAS name should be added to the mine SNP table. Each of the significant SNPs SoyBase GWAS name should be a link to the GWAS CMapJS map location. If we cannot have the map centered on the map position of the significant SNP it would be nice if the map symbol was at least highlighted. @adf-ncgr @StevenCannon-USDA @jd-campbell

adf-ncgr commented 3 months ago

@maxglycine I'm not sure I understand your comments but in the cuurrent mine display the SNPs are only for the GWAS that is the subject of the report page; results from different experiments only appear together in the ZZBrowse app (as far as I'm aware, anyway). As far as linking in to the CmapJS map location, I have a dim memory of @jd-campbell making a recent request about linking to CmapJS and it was not clear to me how to do it via the CmapJS URL structure. But I may have been missing something obvious (and I don't recall the context of her suggestion).