Closed holgersson32644 closed 9 years ago
Blight doesn't depend on pulseaudio for anything. What version of media-sound/openal
do you have installed?
I just guessed pulseaudio claiming the device or something like this would cause this problem, therefor my info about pa. Here is =media-libs/openal-1.1.6::gentoo with USE="alsa pulseaudio qt4 -coreaudio -debug -neon -oss -portaudio" installed.
I'm using the older version on both of those. I'll install and check it out.
I downgraded to media-sound/pulseaudio-5.0-r7 and media-libs/openal-1.15.1-r2 and rebuilt blight plus dependencies afterwards. The issue remains.
I upgraded both packages and I still don't have any problems. What a conundrum...
Do you use this ebuild or another one for blight? Edit: And what are your USE-Flags for racket?
I'm running it straight from the source. There's no code difference between that and what's installed from the ebuild.
My USE flags are "X doc futures jit places threads -minimal". I think those are the default.
Sorry, didn't find the time to test then, but blight builds and runs fine here anyways. I removed the mask in my fork an request for pulling it into the "main" tree ;-)
I built at ~amd64 gentoo via the tox overlay ebuild (currently masked, but builds properly).
is the exact output. To me this looks like some sound trouble.
I'm running pulseaudio 6.0 with USE="X alsa alsa-plugin asyncns bluetooth caps dbus gdbm glib ipv6 orc qt4 ssl systemd tcpd udev webrtc-aec -doc -equalizer -gnome -gtk -jack -libsamplerate -lirc -native-headset -neon -ofono-headset -oss -realtime -selinux -system-wide -test -xen -zeroconf".
If you need more information and/or testings just tell (and/or contact me anywhere here, via e-mail or via IRC (holgersson; freenode).
Greetings, holgersson
PS: I'd like to unmask blight now inside the overlay, but I'd like this issue fixed before, so other users can simply enjoy blight ;)
[Edit: Fixed code output - I forgot markdown was used here.]