lehmannro / pyhkal2

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finalize policy on decision finding algorithm #9

Open lehmannro opened 14 years ago

lehmannro commented 14 years ago

pyhkal.contrib.decide provides a Decision Finding Algorithm (DFA, see Knuth for details on that topic). We should settle that algorithm in a way that satisfies our requirements, which are as-of-now unclear.

We could either try to resemble TiHKAL's legacy algorithm as closely as possible, giving up on multi-protocol support (or abstraction, for that matter). Every other solution involves relying only on Identities which additionally yields per-Identity decisions.

lehmannro commented 14 years ago

TiHKAL's legacy implementation:

; $5- is the set of decisions
; $chr(44) is a comma
; $address(1) returns an unmasked ident and host mask, as in:
; *!*nexus@NexuS.users.quakenet.org (for nexus!~nexus@...)

alias regexdecide {
  set %i 1
  unset %return
  while (%i <= $regml(0)) {
    if (!%return) set %return $regml(1)
    else set %return $+(%return,$chr(44),$regml(%i))
    inc %i
  if ($2 isnum) var %decideadd = $2
  tokenize 44 $sorttok(%return,44)
  if ($2) return für $($+($, $calc((($asciicount($1-) + $asciicount($date)) + $right(%decideadd,2)) % $0 +1)),2)
  else return $iif($+($calc((($asciicount($1-) + $asciicount($date)) % $right(%decideadd,2) % 2) +1)) == 1,dafür,dagegen)