Open rgh256 opened 3 days ago
I'm not sure why we have the offset there at all. I would need some debug output from that function.
$p = strpos($item.':', ':', $len+1);
Forgot to mention that nginx is also throwing some errors of its own:
2024/11/15 17:03:45 [error] 170443#170443: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: " message: PHP Warning: Undefined variable $condition2 in /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php on line 419; PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined variable $condition2 in /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php on line 419; PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "due" in /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php on line 449;
[....repeated many times...]
As far as line list.php(282)
I added a debug print of $item
(sorry, never used php before, so don't know how to debug it):
error_log("****** list.php debug:item = {$item}; len = {$len} ******");
$p = strpos($item.':', ':', $len+1);
In nginx error log (just one example): PHP message: ****** list.php debug:item = business:cdei:cdei_accounting:cdei_banks:XXXXXXX:YYYYYYYY; len = 33 ******;
Important: len
is always 33 regardless of the item
(namespace). In the example listed above len(item)
is 69.
The Dokuwiki error log is shown in the previous message.
Removing third parameter in line 282 (change to $p = strpos($item.':', ':');
solves the strpos
The FastCGI errors/warning listed above are not solved (obviously...).
Since I mentioned the FastCGI errors/warnings in my previous comment I am adding a nicer version from the dokuwiki logs (for completeness, despite likely being unrelated to the original issue):
2024-11-15 23:39:39 /gdrive/doku_www/remy_business/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php(419) E_WARNING: Undefined variable $condition2
#0 /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php(421): dokuwiki\ErrorHandler::errorHandler()
#1 /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php(344): syntax_plugin_todo_list->isRequestedTodo()
#2 /doku_www/XXXX/lib/plugins/todo/syntax/list.php(181): syntax_plugin_todo_list->filterpages()
#3 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/parser/renderer.php(126): syntax_plugin_todo_list->render()
#4 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/parserutils.php(691): Doku_Renderer->plugin()
#5 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/parserutils.php(158): p_render()
#6 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/parserutils.php(97): p_cached_output()
#7 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/Ui/PageView.php(67): p_wiki_xhtml()
#8 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/Action/Show.php(40): dokuwiki\Ui\PageView->show()
#9 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/template.php(120): dokuwiki\Action\Show->tplContent()
#10 [internal function]: tpl_content_core()
#11 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/Extension/Event.php(134): call_user_func_array()
#12 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/Extension/Event.php(200): dokuwiki\Extension\Event->trigger()
#13 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/template.php(102): dokuwiki\Extension\Event::createAndTrigger()
#14 /doku_www/XXXX/lib/tpl/sprintdoc/main.php(358): tpl_content()
#15 /doku_www/XXXX/inc/actions.php(30): include('...')
#16 /doku_www/XXXX/doku.php(131): act_dispatch()
#17 {main}
maybe it would be good to open open a new issue for the other bug. and please quote the lines as you might have inserted lines for debugging and now it's not clear where the error is thrown.
I am trying to list all todos in the current namespace (and its children) by using
~~TODOLIST ns:.: ~~
.It has worked well until today when I updated both PHP (7.4->8.3) and the
plugin. Now I get the following error in logs: