leibylucw / dock-press

A project to Dockerize a WordPress site
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Plan for plugins #10

Open leibylucw opened 1 month ago

leibylucw commented 1 month ago

Plugins can be installed in various ways. This task is to plan for how dock-press expects folks to do so.

leibylucw commented 1 month ago

Current Plan

The current plan, as executed by #15 and #23, is as follows:

Import Plugins

Plugins are imported by placing a copy of the plugins directory of the user's WordPress site in a directory called wp-content at the root of the dock-press repo. The WordPress Dockerfile copies this directory to the image, and requires nothing more from the user after placing the directory in the appropriate spot.

Exporting Plugins

dock-press has a Python script that can export plugins from the WordPress Docker container to the local filesystem. The user simply runs this script, and they will get a directory containing the contents of the plugins directory from the container.

This is helpful if they install, uninstall, or modify plugins on their site using the admin dashboard and wish to port the files back to the hosted version of their site.

Additional Planning

One way to improve on this workflow is to have a composer project to manage plugins. This is tracked by #3 and #4.

Perhaps a stretch goal could be to map a specific plugin as a bind mount similar to a theme for local development; that is, if one wanted to develop a WordPress plugin for a site and wanted to sandbox it, but not required for now.