leifdenby / SENSE_convml_tt

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Hello 2024! #6

Open leifdenby opened 4 months ago

leifdenby commented 4 months ago

Hi everyone 😄

I'll be running the session on unsupervised learning on Wednesday and I would like to get an idea of who you all are and what your plans are with ML. So if you could put in your name, and short description of the work you're planning/are doing that would be great. Thanks! (feel free to add links, pictures, etc)

If you could tell me what kind of operating system you will be using that would be great too (i.e. mac, windows or linux).

leifdenby commented 4 months ago

I'll start: I primarily study the development of convective clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, and I do this using Large-Eddy Simulations (http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earlcd/GENESIS/, https://github.com/leifdenby/genesis/), and using unsupervised machine learning study convective cloud organisation (in the EUREC4A project, http://eurec4a.uk/, http://eurec4a.eu/). In EUREC4A I also used neural networks to do super-resolution and noise reduction on observation data :earth_americas: :artificial_satellite: :small_airplane: I also started the SciML Leeds community while I was at Leeds :) (you should join them! They meet every month and organising training and workshops, it's a really fun and interesting community).

Since 2023 I have moved to the Danish Meteorological Institute where I head up research applying machine learning in weather forecasting, with particular emphasis on precipitation and cloud-cover nowcasting, and graph-based data-driven weather forecast models.