leifeld / texreg

Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
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compatibility with apollo package function "apollo_modeloutput()" #179

Open valmtoledo opened 3 years ago

valmtoledo commented 3 years ago

Hi I used apollo very often and it would be great if your package could help to make pretty tables for their output. It would be great if this can be added in the future! Thanks

sagebiej commented 2 years ago

Hey, I have written a small function that makes apollo models into texreg formats. This is certainly just a workaround, and a proper extract method would be much better, but it serves its purpose. It also allows you to get WTP tables, if you have a proper WTP object. Additionally, I have written a function that makes it easy to calculate WTP for all attributes.

Function to get it to texreg:

quicktexregapollo <- function(model =model, wtpest=NULL) {

  modelOutput_settings = list(printPVal=T) 

  if (is.null(wtpest)) {  estimated <- janitor::clean_names(as.data.frame(apollo_modelOutput(model, modelOutput_settings)))
  } else{
    estimated <- wtpest
    colnames(estimated)<- c("estimate", "rob_s_e", "robt", "p_1_sided_2")


  coefnames <- gsub(pattern = "_[a-z]$", "" ,rownames(estimated))

  texout <- createTexreg(coef.names = coefnames , coef = estimated[["estimate"]] , se = estimated[["rob_s_e"]] , pvalues = estimated$p_1_sided_2,
                         gof.names = c("No Observations" , "No Respondents" , "Log Likelihood (Null)" , "Log Likelihood (Converged)") ,
                         gof = c(model[["nObsTot"]] , model[["nIndivs"]], model[["LL0"]][[1]] , model[["LLout"]][[1]] ) ,
                         gof.decimal = c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE)



You can use it like this

model_texreg <- quicktexregapollo(modelname)

Function to get willingness to pay (WTP) values with standard errors, which can then be used with the function above to create WTP tables.

wtp <- function(cost, attr, modelname) {

  wtp_values =data.frame(wtp =numeric(), robse=numeric() , robt= numeric() ) 
  attr <- attr[-which(attr==cost)]

  for (a in attr) {

    deltaMethod_settings=list(operation="ratio", parName1=a, parName2=cost)
    wtp_values[which(attr==a),]<- apollo_deltaMethod(modelname, deltaMethod_settings)

  wtp_values$wtp <- wtp_values$wtp*-1
  wtp_values$robse <- wtp_values$robse*1
  wtp_values$robt <- wtp_values$robt*-1
  wtp_values$pVal <- (1-pnorm((abs(wtp_values$robt))))*2

  rownames(wtp_values) <- attr


WTP table can be created like this:

WTPvalues <- wtp(costparameter, c(att1, att2, att3, att4), modelname)

WTPtable <- quickapollotexreg(modelname, WTPvalues)

texreg(modelname, WTPtable)

If there is still interest, I can give more details and examples.