leighmacdonald / gbans

gbans is a centralized game community platform with support for global bans. It currently supports Team Fortress 2
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Discord Steam Verification #501

Open rjdXpxigYxNT opened 2 weeks ago

rjdXpxigYxNT commented 2 weeks ago

Use the set steam command as a way to verify discord members.

leighmacdonald commented 2 weeks ago

That command is really only meant for trusted staff members (#38 adds some basic discord user id tracking for users). It was just a stop gap solution because i didn't want to go through the process of getting the proper authentication dance up at the time: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2 . set_steam has no checks or balances so it just blindly trusts the user is who they say they are, which is very much not ideal for a public command/public channel.

Using the real discord oauth setup would force people to use their actual discord accounts, redirecting them to discord.com to login, basically exactly how they login to steam as well. This would ensure that they are the actual owners of the linked accounts.

Its certainly something i would like to see happen. You can certainly take a crack at it if you want.