leijurv / MineBot

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Avery take ownership for EarlyGameStrategy #11

Open leijurv opened 8 years ago

leijurv commented 8 years ago

It is functional but inefficient. Main example is going from the surface to y=36 and back more than necessary (sometimes repeatedly) while executing

averycowan commented 8 years ago

how would you recommend avoiding this?

leijurv commented 8 years ago

Avoiding what?

averycowan commented 8 years ago

It is functional but inefficient. Main example is going from the surface to y=36 and back more than necessary (sometimes repeatedly) while executing


leijurv commented 8 years ago

I'm not quite sure why it does that is the thing =/

averycowan commented 8 years ago

Increase collect constants to get while at the surface. Create mid constants: if im already at the surface and im not very low in something but i dont have much get some while im up here

something like mid constant = 3x min collect constant = 10x min

also it would be nice if constants changed based on tool tier available

averycowan commented 8 years ago

This is so bad. I keep breaking it and needing to revert. You need to fix this

leijurv commented 8 years ago

If you can't do this one, pick another issue to work on...

averycowan commented 8 years ago
