leilin1995 / SeisGAN-Improving-Seismic-Image-Resolution-and-Reducing-Noise

An application of generative adversarial networks to seismic data processing (resolution ehancement and denoising).
MIT License
34 stars 5 forks source link

vgg16 #7

Open abcdaaamck opened 3 months ago

abcdaaamck commented 3 months ago

Hello author, your vgg16 link cannot be opened

leilin1995 commented 3 months ago

Hello, you can access the vgg16 pre-train model used in our paper by https://cugeducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/leilin_cug_edu_cn/EYA-UhQ6Mk9KrVYSw6IOBUUB69kLhWUDd3fJqhsm0GVqCQ?e=kob0MX.