leinelissen / jellyfin-audio-player

🎵 A gorgeous Jellyfin audio streaming app for iOS and Android
MIT License
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Why my songs dont appear #189

Closed PitchAbyss closed 3 months ago

PitchAbyss commented 4 months ago

Everything is empty



kuflierl commented 3 months ago

Your report has very little information that we could use to debug your issue. Some datapoints would be app version, os version, jellyfin version, local vs external server address, jellyfin library type, etc.

My best guess could be that you aren't able to connect to the server for some reason or your library doesn't have the type "music"

leinelissen commented 3 months ago

To pitch in here, Fintunes currently only supports the MusicAlbum type. This means that if your music is organised some other way, for instance only through tracks, we currently support listening to those.