leinelissen / jellyfin-audio-player

🎵 A gorgeous Jellyfin audio streaming app for iOS and Android
MIT License
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[Feature request] Ability to sign out #213

Open slipperybeluga opened 3 weeks ago

slipperybeluga commented 3 weeks ago

Just downloaded this and logged into the wrong account that didn't have access to my music library. I didn't see any way to log out or delete the access token, so I had to uninstall the app and reinstall it to be able to log in with the correct user. It would be nice to have a log out button in the settings.

Big thanks for making this. I have been trying for weeks to get some semblance of reliability with Jellyfin music streaming on my android devices. This is truly exponentially better than the native app.

leinelissen commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @slipperybeluga, thanks for reporting this! Safari indeed stores the session and when logging in again, restores it. When we see you're logged in, the browser window is immediately closed again. Would it make more sense if no session's were kept and you would need to login from scratch every time?