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Colorful animations for your video #142

Open alisamalb opened 2 years ago

alisamalb commented 2 years ago


Instagram: @liminal_limao

Target topic categories

Neurons firing in a neural network, Bezier curves, random events/shapes, L-systems, 2d physics, and more..

Target medium

I am a PhD student in computational medicine who recently discovered a passion for doing animations in JavaScript. I am looking for some mathematical concept to animate for you, similar to the ones you can see on my Instagram profile.

Contact details

DM me on Instagram CC-BY.)

LohithTheCoder commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would really like to use your animation with my topic and create a spectacular video. #129 is my topic. My topic is about shape and polygons and how you can easily make it with finite fold and cuts. I will be looking forward to working with you :)

rudrathegreat commented 2 years ago

Hello Hello! my name is Rudra Sekhri and I'm a high school student from Australia. My topic is about explaining the essence of composite functions using ducks and duck-eating dragons! For more info, here is my issue here #138. I think your artistic style would blend in well with the topic!

cycloconverter-guru commented 2 years ago


My name is Michael Harrison. I am a Power Electronics Engineer and I have an idea for creating a video that explains a very complex Power Systems theory into Symmetrical Components in a way that is very simple to understand and will have appeal to a very wide audience. Take a look at my idea #146 and contact me if you are interested in knowing more about this topic.

Qiekolas commented 2 years ago

Hi, My name is Alan Parry. Let me know if you're interested in my idea #153. It's about what it means for time to be a dimension.

electrineer1 commented 2 years ago


I'm also looking to make a video about symmetrical components post #173, however my storyboard explores a different area of this topic than cycloconverter's lesson mentioned above. It's possible some combined efforts here may give you the animations you need to make two videos about this topic, one for each of us.

My email is nategk88@gmail.com. Please let me know if you're interested.

Nathan Kassees