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Math-loving artist with content-producing experience, specializing in cartoony art #186

Open SaidMath opened 2 years ago

SaidMath commented 2 years ago

I love teaching math and art, and with Grant encouraging content producers to throw their hat into the ring, I'd love the opportunity to work with someone on a project!


This isn't my first rodeo! Last summer, I produced a handful of math explainers on my TikTok. I've reuploaded them on my YouTube channel (go to the "videos" tab to see all videos) https://youtube.com/channel/UCwn5RpmmdVXIODLqQKC0m8g

Besides that, here are some choice art pieces to get a feel for my style: https://imgur.com/a/nd5R2QC

Target topic categories

I'm a fan of teaching others math up to the college level: your standard high-school math curriculum, calculus, linear algebra, and discrete math. If we're talking higher-level content, however, I'm a big fan of number theory and complex analysis. I'm still an undergrad, so I'm not too advanced! That being said, I'm very much open to learning something new if given the opportunity.

Target medium

I'm happy to make anything through some static visual medium, like a comic, a piece of art, and so on. Once again, I am very much open to any other medium if we can work something out.

Contact details

Get to me at my email, saidkaili161@gmail.com, or in the replies. Thanks!

AndriusKulikauskas commented 2 years ago

Hi Said! I am glad to learn of you. I am creating a series of videos, "Math 4 Wisdom", and looking for content producers to help with my introductory video. I am curious if you have any ideas on how you would like to contribute. In particular, if you look at my work-in-progress, you can see that starting at 7:30 I want to show some visuals that would illustrate my text, notably, the minimization operator. One idea is to illustrate the minimization operator as a super hero because it is the most powerful schema. There are five other schema which are more modest. Also, I am thinking of the six schema as looking like parts of plants. The composition operator would look like a root system, the primitive recursion operator would look like a runner (a stolon), and the minimization operator would look like a dandelion pappus. The idea is that the minimization operator finds the cracks in the concrete where it can reach the earth. There are a few things I must say to you about working together that reflect that this is my life's work. The first is that everything that you and I and others contribute to "Math 4 Wisdom" needs to be in the Public Domain, copyright-free, restriction-free so that I don't lose control and so that others can do what they like with this. Personally, I would be sure to credit you in the video, as agreed. Another matter is that illustrations clarify and not confuse. So it would be best for you to understand me very well and we should talk through carefully what you want to contribute so that I could use that. I imagine that we would talk by Zoom or such. Would you be interested? I appreciate your reply.