leits / MeetingBar

🇺🇦 Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar
Apache License 2.0
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Add an ellipsis at the end of the title of the statusItemMenu that opens the PreferenceWindow. #583

Closed tokizuoh closed 1 year ago

tokizuoh commented 1 year ago




Improve the user experience just a little by taking on board the following Human Interface Guidelines.

Append an ellipsis to a menu item’s label when people need to provide additional information before the action can complete.


This is also applied to the official Sound and Bluetooth menu items, and I would like to reflect this in this application as well.


Steps to Test or Reproduce

  1. Tap app icon on menu bar.
  2. "Preferences" ends with an ellipsis (...) is added to the end of "Preferences".

Screenshot 2023-02-11 at 15 32 03

Thanks for the great product. I use it often in my daily life.

leits commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @tokizuoh!

tokizuoh commented 1 year ago

My pleasure :)

jaklan commented 1 year ago

Tbh ellipsis seems to be more relevant to options like Create meeting or Rate App - (Open) Preferences is completed when clicked and doesn't need any additional user input.