leits / MeetingBar

🇺🇦 Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar
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Feature: Outlook Desktop Support #590

Open alexec opened 1 year ago

alexec commented 1 year ago

Issue that this suggestion fixes

I’d like 1st class Outlook support I don’t want to have to set-up exchange on Apple Calendar as it does not work very well (sometimes sync breaks and you must use bash to fix it.

I’d also like to single-click to open the meeting invite and get the agenda open.

Solution description

Support Outlook.

Alternatives considered


Additional context

No response

jgoldhammer commented 1 year ago

Hi alexec,

I have not found any information regarding an API to the MacOS Outlook Desktop App. Can you help out? Thanks Jens

jgoldhammer commented 1 year ago

I will wait for the new applescript api and see if it allows to read the meetings. Maybe this would be a good way instead of implementing the exchange protocol.


roamin-ronin commented 1 year ago

Coming into this cold, but these might be worth a look:

Applescript uses the local app to check, and might be a bit inconsistent https://gist.github.com/ivoleitao/f3937582744c412c1042c8d4617ea0d8

MS API - Looks like it would work https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/calendar?view=graph-rest-1.0&preserve-view=true

Also, my Zoom reads meetings from Outlook and has meeting IDs to join, could you read that since you're able to launch Zoom meetings from the app.

Get next meeting from Microsoft Outlook with apple script
Get next meeting from Microsoft Outlook with apple script - nextmeeting.applescript
jkroepke commented 1 year ago

I would really love to see M365 integration into meeting bar. I'm runny MacOS Calender with Exchange Online which results into a poor Experience. Sometimes, The Calender gets out of sync and need to be delete and reconfigured. On the other side, some meeting magicly wont appear in Apple Calender (and wont display on MeetingBar, too)...

jgrig472 commented 10 months ago

I would really like to see this feature added to Meeting Bar. My work blocks access to the native macos calendar app so I can't use Meeting Bar. This is an awesome app, but lack of Outlook Calendar integration makes for a smaller user base when organizations with strong security measures block the use of it as in my case due to macos native calendar being blocked.

jkroepke commented 10 months ago

@jgrig472 I dont know, if meeting bar would helps you here, since it also depends on a own M365 Application which needs to be allowed at your org.

jgrig472 commented 10 months ago

@jkroepke I should be able to get the application approved. Studying the difference between O365 and M365 It isn't entirely clear to me if my subscription falls under M365. My subscription is Office 365 E5.

jkroepke commented 10 months ago

As i know, O365 was rebranded to M365. Thats all.

luisneto commented 7 months ago

I will wait for the new applescript api and see if it allows to read the meetings. Maybe this would be a good way instead of implementing the exchange protocol.


@jgoldhammer : This was scheduled to be released in November 2023, but unfortunately it has just been pushed back to December 2024.

jkroepke commented 7 months ago

Applescript depends on MS Outlook..

Using the MS Graph API would be the way to go


devnoname120 commented 6 months ago

Outlook has an option to create an ICS subscription from a given calendar. You can then import this ICS subscription in Apple Calendar and it will appear normally in MeetingBar.

Here are the instructions: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/share-an-outlook-calendar-with-other-people-353ed2c1-3ec5-449d-8c73-6931a0adab88

Note: make sure to put a non-Outlook email address in the "Share with" input box otherwise you will receive a proprietary Outlook invite instead of an ICS subscription link.

jkroepke commented 6 months ago

Outlook has an option to create an ICS subscription from a given calendar.

It's works only, if the company allows to share calender details with external parties.