leits / MeetingBar

🇺🇦 Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: Ignore "Out of office" by default #630

Closed johnbillion closed 1 year ago

johnbillion commented 1 year ago

Issue that this suggestion fixes

Google Calendar supports an "Out of office" event type. These show up as meetings in MeetingBar but it would be great if they didn't.


(Ignore the 01:00 time, this is a bug in Google Calendar when you move between time zones)

Solution description

"Out of office" events should be ignored by default, possibly with an option to show them if other users find them useful.

Alternatives considered


Additional context

I appreciate the time you put into MeetingBar!

leits commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the request @johnbillion!

You can use Custom regex to filter out meetings setting from the Advanced Preferences for this case. I don't think we are going to add filtering OOO events as option to already extensive settings.
