leits / MeetingBar

🇺🇦 Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: Opening documents and meeting notes when joining a meeting #691

Open EHLOVader opened 4 months ago

EHLOVader commented 4 months ago

Issue that this suggestion fixes

Whenever I join the meeting it works great to open the video stream from my menu bar, but when I have to get to the documents and meeting notes I still have to jump over to calendar and open attachments from there.

Solution description

When opening the meeting it would be great if I had the option to also open the related documents from the calendar. Meeting notes and references.

Maybe this is an additional menu, or it is triggered with meta keys like option, command, or control.

Alternatives considered

If that isn't possible, perhaps simply being able to open the source event quickly from the menu bar. That would have the documents and the meeting notes as well as any notes typed directly into the event about what my meeting is for right there.

Additional context

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