lellowgill / Stop_Watch_project

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Improvement in code and joining community #9

Closed Rahulbaran closed 2 years ago

Rahulbaran commented 2 years ago

👋 Deborah, I am Rahul from India.

I went through your code and have shared some points which you may consider to improve your code:-

  1. You should use rem/ em as unit instead of px
  2. Use CSS Variables (Custom Properties) to make your code DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself ).
  3. Use const instead of let for those variables which you are not going to reassign and it will help to avoid some bugs. For example :- Suppose you have a variable which you don't want to reassign then use const & if you try to reassign its value anywhere in your code then it will throw an error. but if you will use let and mistakenly you reassign it then it will occur without throwing any error, which might cause bugs in your code
    const name = 'Deborah';

I have shared some resources here which will be beneficial for you to understand above concepts , I have mentioned

You should also join some discord servers, twitter, reddit, youtube channles and other social platforms. I have shared some discord servers link here which might be helpful:-

  1. Server by Kevin Powell
  2. EddieHub

One last tip, use google for anything topic where you have stuck , there are unlimited free resources out there.

Thank you🙂, Merry Christmas 🎄

lellowgill commented 2 years ago

Happy morning,

Thank you so much for this feedback. I am grateful to have you around to check my code.

lellowgill commented 2 years ago

Happy Christmas to you!

Rahulbaran commented 2 years ago

Good Evening from India I am very glad that I could help🙂. Btw, Checkout FrontendMentor, there are some great projects to practice & to sharp your knowledge.

Be consistent with your coding habit and you will have a great future🙂😇

Rahulbaran commented 2 years ago

Now, I am closing this, If you need some help then you can open it.