lemberg / connfa-android

Open Source Android app for Conferences and Events
Apache License 2.0
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Session times are an hour ahead of the integration server #32

Closed alikuru closed 7 years ago

alikuru commented 7 years ago

I noticed a discrepancy on session times between integration server and Connfa Android; timezone is set to Europe/Brussels on the server side (which should be GMT+2), however, timestamps on the app shows GMT+3, i.e. session actually happening on 7:00 appears to happen on 8:00 on the app.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

alikuru commented 7 years ago

It looks like user experiences from different time zones also differ from each other.

Below are the examples I've pulled from Google Play's pre-launch report;

I'm on Istanbul time (GMT +3), don't have the time zone data for Google's samples. It feels like app somehow forgets to set the dates to Brussels and shows them on the users own time zone instead, but can't be sure.

connfa-timezone-mismatch-01 connfa-timezone-mismatch-02 connfa-timezone-mismatch-03

Nataliya-Kulinenko commented 7 years ago

@alikuru Thank you for reported issue. Could you confirm, that timezone(in session from/to time) comes in API correctly, but Android app displays it in wrong way? We tried to reproduce this problem on latest version of Android app(which should appear on GitHub soon) connected to latest version of Integration Server(already available on GitHub) and actually couldn't. We're running final QA session and code review for updated version of mobile apps, hope to move them to GitHub during further few weeks.

alikuru commented 7 years ago

@NataliyaOprysko Thanks for your response. As far as I can tell, the time stamps on the API are correct;


Also, Connfa iOS runs just fine with these results.

Please let me know if you need anything on my part to solve the issue.

alikuru commented 7 years ago

@NataliyaOprysko Just checked, my setup is lagging behind the current master at the server side, it's actually on e58ad8f93d38b3d586c6572a4216260dab771250. But, I assume that shouldn't matter on this issue as long as the time zone data is correct?

Nataliya-Kulinenko commented 7 years ago

@alikuru Thanks for confirmation. It looks so that current Android version on GitHub indeed has the issue with time zones, although testing says that upcoming version should work properly. I'll let you know, when new version appears on GitHub. Thank you for collaboration.

alikuru commented 7 years ago

@NataliyaOprysko Glad to be of help. Can you give me any hint on the ETA? Our app is live and event is happening in a couple of weeks :)

Nataliya-Kulinenko commented 7 years ago

@alikuru The version of Integration Server shouldn't matter unless time zone comes incorrectly in getSettings or getSessions. Although, I would recommend to pull the latest version of Integration Server and mobile app from GitHub. As to ETA - hope new Android version appear on GitHub by middle/end of May.

Nataliya-Kulinenko commented 7 years ago

Hi @alikuru I'm happy to notify you that new version of Android app is available on GitHub: https://github.com/lemberg/connfa-android/commits/connfa_v1 Hope it'll help you to resolve the issue with time zone.

alikuru commented 7 years ago

Fixed with commit fd85d9e, thanks!