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.csv文件导入neo4j #12

Open perfect-11 opened 4 years ago

perfect-11 commented 4 years ago

卡在了任务五,输入shell命令,一直在报错,求大神指导 unrecognized option: ''

usage: neo4j-admin import [--mode=csv] [--database=] [--additional-config=] [--report-file=] [--nodes[:Label1:Label2]=<"file1,file2,...">] [--relationships[:RELATIONSHIP_TYPE]=<"file1,file2,...">] [--id-type=<STRING|INTEGER|ACTUAL>] [--input-encoding=] [--ignore-extra-columns[=<true|false>]] [--ignore-duplicate-nodes[=<true|false>]] [--ignore-missing-nodes[=<true|false>]] [--multiline-fields[=<true|false>]] [--delimiter=] [--array-delimiter=] [--quote=] [--max-memory=] [--f=] [--high-io=<true/false>] usage: neo4j-admin import --mode=database [--database=] [--additional-config=] [--from=]

environment variables: NEO4J_CONF Path to directory which contains neo4j.conf. NEO4J_DEBUG Set to anything to enable debug output. NEO4J_HOME Neo4j home directory. HEAP_SIZE Set JVM maximum heap size during command execution. Takes a number and a unit, for example 512m.

Import a collection of CSV files with --mode=csv (default), or a database from a pre-3.0 installation with --mode=database.

llgithubll commented 4 years ago
