lemonmade / bigfoot

A jQuery plugin for creating exceptional footnotes.
MIT License
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Will not work inside jQuery Ajax Window #49

Open kacinash opened 8 years ago

kacinash commented 8 years ago

I attempted to implement the footnotes on a page that is typically viewed as a popup jQuery ajax window, but it does not work. If I view the actual page, it works fine. Is there any work around to get it to function inside the ajax window?

lemonmade commented 8 years ago

What do you mean by an Ajax window? You will probably have to re-call $.bigfoot whenever new content is added that contains footnotes, regardless of how it is added (Ajax, manual DOM additions, etc).

kacinash commented 8 years ago

You can see an example of the window here: just click on "Fort No 1" and the window will pop up. When I was styling the footnotes there with bigfoot, the java did not work--there was just floating text there. But if I went to the actual page that the ajax window is pulling the text from, bigfoot would work just fine. So something about the window and bigfoot was conflicting.

lemonmade commented 8 years ago

After the content is retrieved and the modal is added, do you run $.bigfoot() again? It's hard to tell what that part of the JavaScript is doing.

kacinash commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I have

<script type="text/javascript" src="./resources/bigfoot/bigfoot.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

in the footer of the page, but my guess is that it the window is not loading it for some reason.

lemonmade commented 8 years ago

This is likely a problem with whatever is loading the content via AJAX not running the scripts of the retrieved page when adding it to the DOM. If whatever does the AJAX provides a callback for when the content is added, you could manually call $.bigfoot().