lemonmade / bigfoot

A jQuery plugin for creating exceptional footnotes.
MIT License
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Double digit numbers not displaying in Safari #57

Open apjmason opened 8 years ago

apjmason commented 8 years ago

Thanks for a great footnote solution!

I'm using the numbering option, and on Safari any numbers above 9 are not displaying correctly. It looks like the width is not adjusting and the two digits are printed on top of each other (see screenshots below).

Firefox: screenshot 2016-08-03 13 56 04

Safari: screenshot 2016-08-03 13 55 38

I tried replacing .bigfoot-footnote__button {width: 1.5em} with min-width but that didn't work. Any other suggestions?

lukasschwab commented 8 years ago

Hey, @apjmason! I'm not sure I can solve this, but I'd love to be able to replicate the issue.

What version of Safari are you using? Is this site published somewhere, or is the source available?

@lemonmade let me know if I'm stepping on your toes!


apjmason commented 8 years ago

Hi @lukasschwab, thanks for the quick response and offer to troubleshoot.

The whole page is not live yet, but you should be able to see a demo here https://religionsmn.carleton.edu/exhibits/show/slider-test/peppers

I'm seeing the behavior in Safari 9.1.1 and Chrome 51.0.2704.103. My hunch is that it's a font issue, since I've also been having trouble with Lato headings displaying correctly on some versions of webkit browsers.
