lemonsaurus / django-simple-bulma

Django application to add the Bulma CSS framework and its extensions
MIT License
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Extension installation process #91

Closed matthewbellringer closed 2 years ago

matthewbellringer commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to get Bulma extensions working in my project. At the moment they're not being loaded. I may well be missing something, but is all that's necessary to include the name of the extension in the BULMA_SETTINGS dict in my settings file? Do I need to do further installation steps, or should that be enough to be able to use the extension?

Using the simplest extension I can find, bulma-divider, I add (to settings.py)

  "extensions": [

and then <div class="divider">Episodes</div> in my page template, but it's rendered as if the class isn't recognised.

lemonsaurus commented 2 years ago


Are you using the {% bulma %} template tag in your template? this is what actually brings in the extension imports.

matthewbellringer commented 2 years ago

Yes, was using the template. Despite having restarted everything piece by piece, it started working after a reboot. Not sure what the chain of dependencies there was! Thanks for the help though.