lemonstand / lemonsync-js

A command line development tool for synchronizing LemonStand store theme files.
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Adding new pages and resources may not clear cache (or may pollute it) #29

Open robotpony opened 6 years ago

robotpony commented 6 years ago

As LemonSync operates asynchronously, it's possible for local changes to be sync'd before they're ready, or for the changes to pollute/occlude other items in the cache.


Once the files are corrected and synchronized, clearing the site cache fixes all issues observed.

There may be other side-effects in synchronizing partly-done copies. Ideally, LemonSync should not synchronize files in a few cases:

Additionally, LemonSync should clear the entire cache in these special cases:

Metadata changes (manifest and options) may require a special reload beyond clearing the cache.

JGlass3919 commented 6 years ago

I was bit by this... Thanks for the workaround. :-)