lemurheavy / coveralls-public

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I can't add any repository from GitLab anymore #1738

Closed ericmorand closed 7 months ago

ericmorand commented 7 months ago

I'm unable to add repository from GitLab anymore. Typically, I'd like to add NightylCommit/Twing repository to Coveralls:


When I click on the switch, I'm redirected to an authorization page on GitLab:


I click Authorize...and I'm redirected to Coveralls:


But the repo is still not added:


No matter how many times I retry, the result is the same.

Not that every time I click on the Authorize button, the Coveralls application authorization date is updated on my GitLab profile:


It looks like it is a new application ID that is authorized every time or something.

ericmorand commented 7 months ago

Can someone help? We have no coverage emitted anymore because of this issue.

afinetooth commented 7 months ago

Hi @ericmorand. Thanks for reporting. Apologies for the inconvenience. We're on it. We are challenged by team availability over the US holiday (Thanksgiving), but we're aiming to get it resolved for you by Mon.

ericmorand commented 7 months ago

Oh yes of course, I forgot about the US holidays. Thanks for the head up, enjoy the holidays and let's see how it goes next week. 🤗

afinetooth commented 7 months ago

Still WIP on this @ericmorand . Will update you as soon as there's a change from engineering. In the meantime, I'm trying to get you a workaround from the Support side. Appreciate your patience. 🙏

ericmorand commented 7 months ago

Fantastic. Thanks a lot. Note though that we don't have public coverage for Twing - especially - but it is OK because we are putting the next big release and it is still an alpha - so public coverage is not something that is blocking us. Take your time.

afinetooth commented 7 months ago

@ericmorand Apologies, I forgot to update you that this was fixed last TUE on NOV 28. Can you please verify and update me if that's not the case for you?

I'm going to close this, but please just reply to re-open.

ericmorand commented 7 months ago

Amazing!!! Thanks a lot. I was able to add twing and twig-lexer repositories. 🎉


afinetooth commented 6 months ago

Nice. That's great. Thanks for the update!