lemurheavy / coveralls-public

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No public repos listed #1740

Open digitalBush opened 7 months ago

digitalBush commented 7 months ago

I was having problems syncing repos to configure a new project. I've unlinked and re-auth'd using GitHub, no luck. I deleted my account and started over, now there are no repos in the list. Understandably, the repos I had configured before are unassociated with my account.

afinetooth commented 6 months ago

Hi, @digitalBush.

Sorry about the trouble you're having. I unlinked your account, which should destroy your current OAuth token, which seems faulty for some reason because we were not able to use it in requests to the GitHub API to successfully determine what repos you have access to.

You can try logging in again to see if that works, but if it doesn't, I would suggest, going to your GitHub Settings > Applications > Authorized OAuth Apps, and revoking any OAuth apps from Coveralls. (There could be up to two: Coveralls and Coveralls Pro).

Then go back to coveralls.io and try to login. This time you should be asked to accept the Coveralls OAuth App. Once you do, you should be able to see your public repos on the ADD REPOS page.

If that's not the case, please let me know.

digitalBush commented 6 months ago

@afinetooth Still seeing the same issue. I removed the authorization and re-accepted the coveralls all. Clicking sync repos shows a banner "Your repositories are being refreshed!" but nothing ever shows up. 🤷‍♂️

afinetooth commented 6 months ago

Hi @digitalBush. Yes, from my side I'm still seeing that we were unable to obtain any info from GitHub on your behalf (with your OAuth token), for instance, your accessible repos.

Next thing to try:


  1. At GitHub.com, click on your profile and select Settings.
  2. In Settings, go to Applications > Authorized OAuth Apps.
  3. Click the "3 dots" (...) next to any/all apps with "Coveralls" in the name and select Revoke. (There should only be two (2) apps at most: Coveralls and/or Coveralls Pro.)

Please let me know how that goes.

lpenz commented 6 months ago

I'm having the same issue. I had a new repo that was not showing up, so I did various resets/revokes/etc. to start from scratch, and now I don't see any repositories, even after a refresh.

RobinTail commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue with a repo I made 3 days ago — it's not showing up in the list of available GitHub public repos. https://github.com/RobinTail/zod-sockets