lemurheavy / coveralls-public

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Public repo not addable #1747

Open sloede opened 5 months ago

sloede commented 5 months ago

I have a public, open source repository https://github.com/sloede/SecureArithmetic.jl that I'd like to use with Coveralls.io. However, when trying to add the repo it will not show up, even after syncing multiple times.

If I go to the "known" Coveralls URL for said repo, https://coveralls.io/github/sloede/SecureArithmetic.jl, I get the "You there, halt!" access denied page which is usually shown for private repos.

What can I do to properly show up https://github.com/sloede/SecureArithmetic.jl as a public repo? It used to be private before, maybe it is "stuck" internally in the Coveralls.io config - maybe someone can unblock it?

RobinTail commented 5 months ago

Have the same issue with https://github.com/RobinTail/zod-sockets Not showing up, refresh does not help.

sloede commented 5 months ago

I've also set up a debug run, this the result: https://github.com/sloede/SecureArithmetic.jl/actions/runs/7812809631/job/21310608052?pr=21#step:10:825

Clicking on the shown build URL, https://coveralls.io/jobs/135808922, leads to the aforementioned stalinesque error screen that indicates that the repo is private, which it really is not.