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Invalid repo token on calling `done` api #1750

Open sashaaKr opened 4 months ago

sashaaKr commented 4 months ago


We are having a problem calling coveralls done that results with {"error":"Invalid repo token"}

More information:

We have an external from github actions CI/CD system that runs the tests and report coverage to coveralls using coveralls cli, version 0.6.6.

CI/CD uses a github application that is installed on github at the organization level and has access to all repos within the organization. This allows it to perform all necessary github operations, such as reporting PR status checks.

We are using Create an installation access token for an app api in order to create access token, similarly to how it works with coveralls github action that using GITHUB_TOKEN.

We are using the generated token as COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN, and by using this token we can perform the coveralls report command, however we are failing to run coveralls report which results in api response {"error":"Invalid repo token"}.

We tried to extend application permissions, and granted write permission to different scopes (with much broader scopes than GITHUB_TOKEN has), however with no success.

Will appreciate your help to understand if there is any specific scope that needs to be granted to GITHUB_TOKEN to run the 'done' command?

Or is it possible we discovered the bug on the coveralls side?