There should be an animated icon in the corner that shows the app or external system icons to indicate the master status.
This should be a character icon and should represent the avatar of the app (Hydrogen) or external system (Octocat).
For example, if GitHub is down, you could see a confused or sleeping or absent Octocat. If you have unsaved changes, for example, that could change the indicator. This could be in place of the save button, for example.
When system message occur, they can pop up briefly as if a word bubble from that character icon.
There should be an animated icon in the corner that shows the app or external system icons to indicate the master status.
This should be a character icon and should represent the avatar of the app (Hydrogen) or external system (Octocat).
For example, if GitHub is down, you could see a confused or sleeping or absent Octocat. If you have unsaved changes, for example, that could change the indicator. This could be in place of the save button, for example.
When system message occur, they can pop up briefly as if a word bubble from that character icon.