lenaleo / NC-rural-urban-divide

Waffle Hackshop: a board in Waffle.io with cards for each action you should do to kickoff a project.
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Define the testable MVP #10

Open lenaleo opened 8 years ago

lenaleo commented 8 years ago

Define a testable Minimum Viable Product

What is an MVP? It's the smallest increment that you can build that will help you learn the fastest.

From your paper prototype and lean canvas, what's the riskiest assumption you're making? If you were building a device that would automatically pour beer for you, the riskiest assumption might be technical - how do you know how much volume of beer to pour? If you were building AirBnB, the riskiest assumption wouldn't be tech, but instead would be trust - will users rent out a bedroom in their house to a stranger?

Take your riskiest assumption and figure out the smallest increment you need to build to test that assumption.

Now, take that increment and create cards on your board to represent what your team needs to get done in the next Sprint to build that iteration. Also think about what it will take to test your MVP - it's not just about building something, it's about building something you can use to learn from as fast as possible.

Don't think you can get it done in 2 hours? Try to make the MVP smaller.

This backlog of work can be used in your pitch too, to answer "What's next?"