lenaleo / NC-rural-urban-divide

Waffle Hackshop: a board in Waffle.io with cards for each action you should do to kickoff a project.
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Pivot or Persevere #9

Open lenaleo opened 8 years ago

lenaleo commented 8 years ago

Should you Pivot or Persevere?

What feedback did you get from the feedback lab?

If the feedback confirmed that you're solving the right problem, for the right people, in the right way, awesome! Let's move forward.

If you got feedback that makes you want to rethink your problem, customer segment, or solution, now's the time. Update your lean canvas, and consider going back to the brainstorming and paper prototyping phase to take another shot at it.

Keep iterating until you get feedback that tells you to push on!


flowersw commented 8 years ago

We have a lot to work with, and I don't think we need to pivot. Just make sure we differentiate from ZocDoc. Wait Time? (Extended to a lot of other things?) Maybe too specific to wait time...good idea though