lencx / ChatGPT

🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
52.18k stars 5.87k forks source link

[Bug] Blank page #917

Open jasonbillebault opened 1 year ago

jasonbillebault commented 1 year ago



Bug description

Blocked on Blank Page even after a restart. Blocked since 1 hour.


Windows 10


Windows 10

Echardwang commented 1 year ago


mikestuart commented 1 year ago

Same bug - blank screen

thijsi123 commented 1 year ago

Me too.

Ualker commented 1 year ago


enterinit commented 1 year ago

As a temporary solution try "Run as administrator" and then can be running as usual

wellmorq commented 1 year ago

I think there was a bug with openai

znx429 commented 1 year ago

Maybe now need to click on the email link to log in.

6uhrmittag commented 1 year ago

That was 99% caused by an outage at OpenAI and is OK now.

Start: May 25, 04:23 PDT Resolved: May 25, 05:27 PDT

https://chat.openai.com/chat also showed a blank page during this time.

May 25, 2023
[ChatGPT site outage](https://status.openai.com/incidents/79zpcjqlg6f3)
Resolved - Elevated database CPU usage was impacting the site over the last several hours, and the underlying issue has been addressed.  We will continue to monitor the site to ensure the issue does not reoccur.
May 25, 05:27 PDT
Monitoring - We have applied a fix and are continuing to monitor.
May 25, 05:05 PDT
Update - We are continuing to investigate this issue.
May 25, 04:23 PDT
Investigating - ChatGPT is seeing elevated error rates. The root cause has been identified and the team is working on a fix.
May 25, 04:23 PDT

See https://status.openai.com

Yu-Hang-Z commented 1 year ago


orcfnjmlns908 commented 1 year ago

Same problem on MacOS Intel Core

yueyingjun commented 1 year ago

MacOS Apple M2 可以登录,但是登录后就只有一个输入框,其他全是空白,并且不可使用!有谁知道什么问题吗?浏览器代理能正常使用,用v2rayu代理的,是代理不到系统级别的问题的吗?有谁知道如何设置代理吗?

Jexceed commented 1 year ago

same issue

Version: 1.0 Platform: MacOS & Intel Core Log:

[2023-05-31][14:00:00][tauri_plugin_autostart][INFO] auto_start path /Applications/ChatGPT.app
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] stepup
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] global_shortcut_unregister
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] stepup_tray
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] run_check_update
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::utils][INFO] run_check_update: silent=false has_msg=None
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][reqwest::connect][DEBUG] starting new connection: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] trying to connect to lencx.github.io:443
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] trying to connect to [2606:50c0:8001::153]:443
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][ERROR] script_init_error: error sending request for url (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lencx/ChatGPT/main/scripts/manifest.json): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 61)
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] successfully connected to [2606:50c0:8001::153]:443, took 117ms
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] GET /ChatGPT/install.json HTTP/1.1
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] creating a length body reader
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] creating gzip decoder
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] status code 200
i19870503 commented 1 year ago

v.1.0.0,mac os 同样的问题,空白页面看网页源码显示: [Error] Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. (chat.openai.com, line 0)

lencx commented 1 year ago

v.1.0.0,mac os 同样的问题,空白页面看网页源码显示: [Error] Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. (chat.openai.com, line 0)


i19870503 commented 1 year ago

v.1.0.0,mac os 同样的问题,空白页面看网页源码显示: [Error] Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. (chat.openai.com, line 0)



we1light commented 1 year ago

我今天解决了问题。我的问题是打开之后会立即闪退,但是在任务管理器里后台还在。我的解决方法如下。 Windows Powershell 管理员模式打开,输入一下指令 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth,按回车 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth,按回车 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth,按回车 sfc /scannow,按回车

作者:知乎用户 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/415418165/answer/2281600318 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。


Jexceed commented 1 year ago

Fixed. Still a proxy problem.

My mac crashed several days ago and the ssr did not work properly even though I reinstalled it. It seems that although I use the global proxy, but it doesn't work as a global / system-level proxy. I found the problem because my safari could not access to openai either. Then i uninstall the ssr app and replaced it with Clash, after that Chat App works

same issue

Version: 1.0 Platform: MacOS & Intel Core Log:

[2023-05-31][14:00:00][tauri_plugin_autostart][INFO] auto_start path /Applications/ChatGPT.app
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] stepup
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] global_shortcut_unregister
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] stepup_tray
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][INFO] run_check_update
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::utils][INFO] run_check_update: silent=false has_msg=None
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][reqwest::connect][DEBUG] starting new connection: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] trying to connect to lencx.github.io:443
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] trying to connect to [2606:50c0:8001::153]:443
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][chatgpt::app::setup][ERROR] script_init_error: error sending request for url (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lencx/ChatGPT/main/scripts/manifest.json): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 61)
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] successfully connected to [2606:50c0:8001::153]:443, took 117ms
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] GET /ChatGPT/install.json HTTP/1.1
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] creating a length body reader
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] creating gzip decoder
[2023-05-31][14:00:00][attohttpc][DEBUG] status code 200