lenmus / lenmus

LenMus Phonascus is a free open source program (GPL v3) for learning music. It allows you to focus on specific skills and exercises, on both theory and aural training. The different activities can be customized to meet your needs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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German Translation #124

Open ardourmanual opened 3 years ago

ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

I would like to contribue translating the eBooks in Lenmus into German starting with "Theory and Harmony"

cecilios commented 3 years ago


At http://lenmus.org/en/phonascus/translation_instructions you can find translation instructions, but do not download the zip package from SourceForge, as it is not updated. Instead, use the latest PO files in the lenmus repo. Current PO files for eBooks form are at https://github.com/lenmus/langtool/tree/master/locale/de

To download any of them click on it. The file content will be displayed in a new window. Click on the [Raw] button just over the first line of the file, at right. Now the file content is displayed in your browser. Save that page Menu > File > Save Page As and give it the correct name (e.g. TheoryHarmony_de.po).

In case you would like to review the GUI translation, the PO file for the GUI it is at https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/tree/master/locale/de . File lenmus_de.po.

Feel free to ask questions.

Thanks for your contribution!

ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

Hi Cecile

I had some vacation so I could finally work on the german translation of the theory and harmony file. You will find it attached.

There were a few minor errors in the following strings of the original english language files: 1) Let's play all note names along one octave, starting on C. We will get the notes C-D-E-F-G-B-A-C: -> The B needs to be after A

2) Next we meet our first semitone: A. (There is nothing we can squeeze in between #G and A). -> The # has to be after G

3a) Don't forget to look carefully at the clef, to place the note in the right line or space!. and 3b) To understand how to build diatonic scales you need to know what is a tone. In a previous lesson we've learnt about semitones or half steps. Now you will learn about tones: A tone is just two semitones!. 3c) We've learnt that the octave is divided into twelve notes, spaced by one semitone. When played one after the other we get the chromatic scale. But chromatic scales aren't very interesting to compose music. In Western music tradition normally you would not use all twelve notes to compose a melody, as it will not sound 'good'. Therefore, musicians learnt to choose the 'right' notes that were useful to compose 'sounding good' melodies, and grouped these notes in 'scales'. So let's learn about how to choose the 'right' notes to use and about the scales they form. But please remember that people in different musical traditions have different ideas about what notes they think sound best together!.

-> There is a point after the exclamation point.

4) Tones.Major scales There's a space missing after the point.

Cheers, Daniel

Am Mo., 20. Juli 2020 um 15:39 Uhr schrieb Cecilio Salmeron < notifications@github.com>:


At http://lenmus.org/en/phonascus/translation_instructions you can find translation instructions, but do not download the zip package from SourceForge, as it is not updated. Instead, use the latest PO files in the lenmus repo. Current PO files for eBooks form are at https://github.com/lenmus/langtool/tree/master/locale/de

To download any of them click on it. The file content will be displayed in a new window. Click on the [Raw] button just over the first line of the file, at right. Now the file content is displayed in your browser. Save that page Menu > File > Save Page As and give it the correct name (e.g. TheoryHarmony_de.po).

In case you would like to review the GUI translation, the PO file for the GUI it is at https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/tree/master/locale/de . File lenmus_de.po.

Feel free to ask questions.

Thanks for your contribution!

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124#issuecomment-661045672, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGXK7VZQ4M52AQ5N6CCLKVLR4RCJXANCNFSM4PCKG2VQ .

cecilios commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for the translation and for the comments about English texts. Unfortunately there is no file attached to your post. If you enconter problems for attaching the file you can send it directly to my personal email.

Thanks again!

ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

That's weird, cause I can see that it is attached to them mail I sent. Send me your personal email address and I send it again.

Greetings Daniel

Cecilio Salmeron notifications@github.com schrieb am Mo., 12. Okt. 2020, 14:10:

Thank you very much for the translation and for the comments about English texts. Unfortunately there is no file attached to your post. If you enconter problems for attaching the file you can send it directly to my personal email.

Thanks again!

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124#issuecomment-707081230, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGXK7VYIPQXUL7AQV7TKJ53SKLW2RANCNFSM4PCKG2VQ .

cecilios commented 3 years ago

Probably, you sent an email to the GitHub account instead of writing a post in https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124 If you wrote an email, it is received by GitHub and it is automatically converted to a post. But attachements are discarded.


ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

Yes, this must be the case. Here's the attachment, anyway. Cheers, Daniel

Am Mo., 12. Okt. 2020 um 15:18 Uhr schrieb Cecilio Salmeron < notifications@github.com>:

Probably, you sent an email to the GitHub account instead of writing a post in #124 https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124 If you wrote an email, it is received by GitHub and it is automatically converted to a post. But attachements are discarded.


— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124#issuecomment-707114798, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGXK7VYQ7UWO67FX6GQ3IRLSKL6Z3ANCNFSM4PCKG2VQ .

cecilios commented 3 years ago

Thank you Daniel, I received the file. I'm going to check it and generate the translated book. I'll send it as soon as possible so that you can test and review it.

Best regards

ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

Wonderful, Cecilio.

Thank you for all your work.

By the way: in which country do you live?

Beat regards, Daniel

notifications@github.com schrieb am Di., 13. Okt. 2020, 11:32:

Thank you Daniel, I received the file. I'm going to check it and generate the translated book. I'll send it as soon as possible so that you can test and review it.

Best regards

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124#issuecomment-707618584, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGXK7V4ZF6S2OC3RZAPQPWLSKQND3ANCNFSM4PCKG2VQ .

cecilios commented 3 years ago

By the way: in which country do you live?

Spain, near Madrid

ardourmanual commented 3 years ago

Guau, me fascina Madrid. Hace un año estuvimos allí para visitar amigos. Y la razón porque me motivo de participar en el proyecto de Lenmus es que vivía en Nicaragua por siete años trabajando en proyectos de cultura para el desarrollo. Allí un compañero me presentó el programa Lenmus. Después estuvo viendo que no haya traducción al 100% en alemán. Ahora vivimos en Suiza y aquí trabajo como profesor de diferentes materias también de música. Una vez terminada la versión en alemán lo voy a recomendar a mis estudiantes.

Saludos Daniel

Cecilio Salmeron notifications@github.com schrieb am Di., 13. Okt. 2020, 14:00:

By the way: in which country do you live?

Spain, near Madrid

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/lenmus/lenmus/issues/124#issuecomment-707691210, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGXK7VYPYGYJDI6UOKKO6P3SKQ6PVANCNFSM4PCKG2VQ .