lennon-thomas / Montserrat-Length-Data

Analysis of reef species length composition data collected in Montserrat
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Develop selectivity curve for trap fishery #4

Open lennon-thomas opened 8 years ago

lennon-thomas commented 8 years ago

Likely will be dome shaped. Are the largest individuals being caught by traps for each species?

Background info on selectivity: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/x7788e/X7788E03.html



alxsmith commented 8 years ago

Estimating the size-selection curves of towed gears, traps, nets and hooks

alxsmith commented 8 years ago

Density-dependent size selectivity in Antillean fish traps http://horizon.documentation.ird.fr/exl-doc/pleins_textes/pleins_textes_7/b_fdi_53-54/010016802.pdf

alxsmith commented 8 years ago

The effect of mesh size on mean length at first capture {L:) was examined and Munro's model, L: = dD + v (Munro, 1983) where D = maximum aperture of the mesh, and d and v are constants describing the length to maximum body depth relationship for the species.

Management of Antillean Trap Fisheries -Bermuda's Experience

alxsmith commented 8 years ago


r functions for SELECT method

lennon-thomas commented 8 years ago
