lenonk / ElvUI_SpellBinder

Note: I no longer have a WoW acount, and therefore can no longer maintain this addon. If you would like to become the maintainer, be my guest! This is a WoW addon that provides Clique like functionality specifically for ElvUI users. It's still currently Alpha, but most of the functionality is there, and it seems solid. Support for hovercasting to come soon.
0 stars 2 forks source link

AceGUI 3.0 #2

Closed themadtux closed 5 years ago

themadtux commented 5 years ago

Getting the following LUA Warning.. when I login

Message: ...ElvUI_SpellBinder\Libraries\AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets\prototypes.lua:4: unexpected symbol near ']'
Time: Sun Oct 21 16:52:31 2018
Count: 1
Stack: ...ElvUI_SpellBinder\Libraries\AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets\prototypes.lua:4: unexpected symbol near ']'



Message: ...ElvUI_SpellBinder\Libraries\AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets\prototypes.lua:4: unexpected symbol near ']'
Time: Sun Oct 21 16:52:45 2018
Count: 5


lenonk commented 5 years ago

There's no information in that stack trace that gives me any hint as to what's going on. Can you please send your list of bindings?

Also, please, send any information about when this happens. Is it on login? Is it when any certain thing happens?


lenonk commented 5 years ago

Please see this thread: https://github.com/lenonk/ElvUI_SpellBinder/issues/3

It appears this is not a bug in my code, but some sort of corruption during download or maybe just with 1.0.5 package. I'm not sure. Either way, the code is correct in the repo, so I'm not sure what to do about this.