lenovo-inc / superfishremoval

Utility to remove SuperFish application
210 stars 59 forks source link

consolidate all backdoor removal tools #14

Open zabbal opened 9 years ago

zabbal commented 9 years ago

Given the ever-increasing number of backdoors in Lenovo (C) products: first superfish, now (U)EFI backdoor ( http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/lenovo-used-windows-anti-theft-feature-to-install-persistent-crapware/ ), tomorrow something else no doubt - it would make sense to accumulate all the backdoor removal projects into dedicated repository.

This would also be marketing advantage: some people are willing to pay extra for non-backdoored hardware (provided Lenovo could actually produce some).

zabbal commented 8 years ago

Wow, http://boingboing.net/2015/09/22/yet-another-pre-installed-spyw.html - third time's a charm! And I thought I was joking while making this bug. Turned out I was right - not even year passed and yet another Lenovo backdoor was exposed again. Seriously, what would it take to convince you guys to stop backdooring things?! Pretty please?

propha commented 6 years ago

I knew it,,,, nice... lomprao